Tech services
Create a data-driven company culture with state-of-the-art technology
Real-time Visibility
Services offered
View the location and updated ETA of every shipment simultaneously in real-time.
- Updates sent directly to your phone or email
- Geo fencing to know when your load will arrive
- Portal browser to see every shipment’s location
- PODs uploaded 24hrs after delivery
Automated status updates
Services offered
Receive automated departure, arrival and pre-arrival notifications with customizable geofencing.
Carrier protection
Services offered
As part of Xpedite Services’ proprietary system, we qualify and monitor our carriers, checking daily for changes in their status’.
- Ensure they’re safe, level and trustworthy
- Verify MC authority and safety ratings
- Carrier insurance monitoring
Optimize operational efficiency
Services offered
Automate processes; reduce manual communication to maximize your resources.